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If you have shoulder damage that hasn’t responded well to conservative treatment, you may be a strong candidate for shoulder replacement surgery. This procedure removes damaged bone and replaces it with prosthetics made of metal and plastic. Shoulder replacement surgery is considered highly successful; 95% of people have virtually no...
Your shoulders are essential for nearly every upper body movement, from lifting and reaching to stabilizing your arms. Strong and healthy shoulder joints are key to keeping your range of motion flexible and pain-free. Santa Barbara, California, board-certified orthopedic surgeon Matthew Pifer, MD, has extensive experience helping athletes and active...
Shoulder pain can impact everything from daily activities to athletic performance. If you’ve been struggling with chronic shoulder pain, you’ve likely explored various treatment options. If conventional treatments have fallen short of resolving your shoulder pain, platelet-rich plasma therapy is worth considering. This minimally invasive, biologic therapy uses your body’s...
Shoulder injuries are all too common, especially if you’re active or spend a lot of time doing repetitive movements. Protecting your shoulders from strain and injury is key to maintaining your overall mobility, whether you’re an athlete, work an office job, or simply want to stay fit. The good news...
The shoulder is a complex and versatile joint, providing a wide range of motion that allows you to perform everyday tasks and athletic activities. However, this flexibility comes with its own set of challenges, making the shoulder susceptible to injuries and disorders. If you’re dealing with shoulder pain, limited shoulder...
Regenerative medicine is a new and exciting approach to healing tissues that uses specialized substances, such as stem cells, to enhance healing. As with any new field of medicine, there’s some misinformation and confusion about what stem cells are and what they do. Orthopedic shoulder and sports medicine surgeon Matthew...
Safeguarding your shoulder when you’re a thrower is crucial. Regardless of your chosen sport, preventing injuries is a top priority if you rely on a healthy shoulder to throw. The repetitive motion of throwing can put a major strain on this complex joint. Fortunately, board-certified orthopedic shoulder surgeon and sports...
Injuries and chronic conditions can cause shoulder pain. Because the shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the body, it's susceptible to injury. If you’re dealing with persistent shoulder pain, don’t put off having it evaluated. Board-certified orthopedic shoulder and sports medicine surgeon Matthew Pifer, MD, specializes in...
The labrum is a crucial shoulder component for athletes who engage in sports like baseball that require arm-over-head movement. The labrum plays a key role in the ability to swing, throw, and catch. This band of specialized cartilage tissue is vulnerable to issues such as inflammation and tearing. Orthopedic shoulder...
If you’re struggling with shoulder pain or have a shoulder injury, an accurate diagnosis and opinion on treatment from a highly skilled professional is crucial for your recovery. There are many reasons patients may consider seeking a second opinion. For example, if the first specialist recommends surgery, you want to...
Knee pain is a common cause of chronic pain, and it’s more prevalent now than ever. Knee pain can limit range of motion, impair muscle control, weaken muscles, and hinder mobility. Whether from a disease or injury, chronic knee pain can pose a significant challenge to your daily life. Fortunately,...
Frozen shoulder is a painful condition and can cause you to struggle with basic shoulder movements, such as buckling a seatbelt or reaching above your head. Symptoms usually develop gradually and worsen as the shoulder loses mobility. Frozen shoulder happens when there’s inflammation or an injury to the shoulder capsule....
In athletes, overuse injuries develop over time from training and playing. These injuries result from repetitive micro-trauma to tendons, bones, and joints. Common examples include tennis elbow, runner’s knee, and swimmer’s shoulder (shoulder impingement). Board-certified orthopedic shoulder and sports medicine physician Matthew Pifer, MD, helps athletes achieve peak performance while...
The shoulders are the most mobile joints in the body. That makes them vulnerable to injuries like dislocation, which happens when a force pushes the shoulder bones out of their normal position. A shoulder dislocation causes pain, swelling, bruising, and limits movements. Board-certified orthopedic shoulder surgeon Dr. Matthew Pifer, MD,...
Sleeping on your side or on an unsupportive mattress can cause shoulder pain. However, it’s also often a sign of an underlying issue. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, making it vulnerable to issues like overuse or injury. Have your shoulder evaluated to rule out issues...
A meniscus tear is one of the most common knee injuries, especially among athletes and people who engage in high-impact sports. The meniscus acts as a cushion in the knee joint, and a tear can significantly compromise movement, comfort, and athletic performance. Recovering from such an injury involves a multi-pronged...
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a cutting-edge medical treatment gaining popularity. This therapy leverages the body's natural healing mechanisms to expedite recovery and address various health conditions. PRP therapy is useful in areas ranging from sports medicine and orthopedics to dermatology and cosmetic surgery, underlining its versatility and effectiveness. In...
From easing symptoms of osteoarthritis to aiding in recovery post-surgery, stem cell treatment is changing orthopedic care. Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Matthew Pifer specializes in regenerative care, combining his knowledge and expertise in orthopedics with the most advanced technology and medical breakthroughs. Dr. Pifer is dedicated to providing the most effective and...
Whether you're a competitive athlete, an enthusiastic weekend warrior, or someone who enjoys a healthy and active lifestyle, the potential for injuries looms large. Staying injury-free allows you to fully engage in and enjoy your chosen activities without the frustration of unplanned time-outs. That is where sports medicine steps onto...
The shoulder joint is an intricate and highly mobile part of the body, making it susceptible to a variety of injuries. Among them, rotator cuff tears are quite common, affecting nearly 2 million Americans each year—especially athletes and individuals engaged in activities that entail repetitive overhead movements. As an orthopedic shoulder and...
If you're experiencing ongoing joint pain or limited mobility, arthroscopy can be an excellent option for diagnosis and treatment. It is a minimally invasive technique that offers many advantages over traditional open surgery, including faster recovery times, less pain, less scarring, and lower risks of complications. Orthopedic sports medicine and shoulder surgeon Dr....
It’s crucial to know all of your options if you’re dealing with an injury or chronic orthopedic pain. In addition to conventional therapies, innovative treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy can help you recover. Orthopedic shoulder and sports medicine surgeon Dr. Matthew Pifer offers conventional and innovative therapies to patients...
Shoulder instability occurs when the top of your arm bone slides out of the socket, leading to pain. Often, sudden injury or engaging in sports or activities that involve frequent overhead motions can cause this to happen. Visiting orthopedic shoulder and sports medicine surgeon Dr. Matthew Pifer for a thorough evaluation is the best way to...
One common misconception about sports medicine is that it is only for athletes. In fact, most patients who receive care from a sports medicine physician do not participate in competitive sports. Instead, they often have acute or chronic injuries caused by exercise, training, or even their work. As an orthopedic...
Knees are among the most active joints in our bodies. Every day, they take a lot of pounding and pressure, so it's no surprise that knee problems are incredibly common. Knee pain affects people of all ages and fitness levels. When conservative at-home treatments fail to improve knee pain, it’s...
Unfortunately, shoulder injuries are most common in those who rely on their shoulders the most, such as overhead athletes—particularly those who participate in sports such as baseball, swimming, tennis, and football. Shoulder injuries also affect non-athletes. Professionals who frequently use their shoulders, such as those who work in painting, yard...
Platelet-rich (PRP) therapy is a revolutionary treatment that garners your body’s own healing power to relieve pain. This rapidly developing technique has shown positive results with various injuries and musculoskeletal conditions. Board-certified orthopedic shoulder surgeon Matthew Pifer, MD, helps athletes, non-athletes, and active individuals combat pain, recover from injuries, and function better....
Frozen shoulder is a painful condition in which shoulder movement is restricted. It develops when the connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint (known as the shoulder joint capsule) thickens, stiffens, and becomes inflamed. The ligaments that bind the top of the upper arm bone to the shoulder socket, firmly holding...
Rotator cuff tears are painful shoulder injuries that occur when there’s damage to the rotator cuff — a collection of muscles and tendons that contribute to shoulder mobility and stability. While there are numerous techniques to treat a small rotator cuff tear, a significant tear usually requires surgery for a...
Sports injuries not only sideline you from the game, but also require expert treatment to help you heal quickly. Fortunately, telemedicine keeps orthopedic patients connected to superior care. Telemedicine appointments are especially helpful when a sports injury has affected your mobility. Temporarily immobilizing the affected body part, whether it be...
With the help of technology, orthopedic patients can access high-quality care from any location. While some services, like physical exams, require an in-person visit, you can access many others conveniently through telemedicine. Board-certified orthopedic and shoulder surgeon Matthew Pifer, MD, offers telemedicine visits in addition to in-person visits to make orthopedic...
Because tendons receive very little blood flow, tendon injuries are very slow to heal. Overuse injuries like tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow can cause chronic problems that interfere with your ability to lead an active lifestyle or engage in your favorite sport. Regenerative treatments like platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) are...
The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles in the upper arm that stabilize the shoulder joint so that you can move your arms, lift, push, and pull. The shoulder is a unique and complex joint that is more susceptible to strains and tears than other joints. In most...
Corticosteroid injections are a crucial aspect of therapy for shoulder problems. They relieve inflammation and enable you to move without pain. They may even lessen the need for surgery when used with an active rehabilitation program. If you have shoulder pain, it’s wise to see an orthopedic expert like board-certified...
Sports medicine physicians are orthopedic experts who work with athletes and those who have musculoskeletal ailments. They're specially trained to deal with any sports-related ailment, including joint pain, osteoarthritis, and nutrition. Sports physicians are most recognized for advising and treating recreational and professional players who have sustained a sports injury,...
Each year, surgeons perform more than 50,000 shoulder replacements in the United States. Reverse shoulder replacement is a procedure specifically designed for patients who have shoulder arthritis and a large tear in the rotator cuff, which prevents them from being candidates for a traditional shoulder replacement. Board-certified orthopedic shoulder and...
Regenerative medicine is a breakthrough in treating orthopedic injuries. Specifically, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell therapy take advantage of your body’s own natural ability to heal itself. Thanks to the advancements in regenerative medicine, injuries such as those in the neck, back, knees, and other joints can heal...
The knee is the largest and most complex joint in your body. Tasked with bearing your weight as you stand, jump, and move, it’s no surprise that your knees are vulnerable to sports-related injuries, as well as age-related wear-and-tear. Eventually, you may be affected by chronic knee pain. When this...
Dr. Matthew Pifer is a top-level orthopedic surgeon with a busy practice in Santa Barbara, California. He specializes in knee and shoulder injuries, sports medicine, and biological therapies that tackle musculoskeletal rehab at the cellular level. During college, Dr. Pifer was also an NCAA football scholarship recipient and holds one...
Telemedicine enables you to quickly and conveniently connect with your provider to have continued access to top-quality orthopedic care, no matter where you are. Reliable video chats and secure text messaging keep you connected on any device. With virtual waiting rooms and the ability to send and receive documents, telemedicine...
Damage to the knee from injury or wear and tear may require surgery to repair. After meeting with an orthopedic surgeon to determine the necessity for knee surgery, your surgeon will discuss the type of surgery and approach to repair your knee and restore function. Orthopedic surgeon Matthew Pifer, MD,...
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an innovative therapy used to treat a range of orthopedic issues, including arthritis. This new approach is transforming the way arthritis is treated. Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Matthew Pifer, MD specializes in biological therapies and offers PRP and stem cell therapy to ease orthopedic pain and slow...
Regenerating tissue to restore function is a breakthrough in the treatment of joint pain. Injury and age-related breakdown of normal tissue are one of the most common causes of pain. Over the past two decades, advances in medicine have been developed that harness the power of cells from your own...
If you have shoulder pain and a persistent feeling that your shoulder is loose, or your shoulder repeatedly gives out, you could have shoulder instability. This occurs when the structures that surround and support the shoulder aren’t working properly. If your shoulder joint is loose, it may slide out of...
Shoulder pain can have many causes. For athletes, overuse, as well as sudden damage sustained during practice or play are common causes of shoulder pain. For others, conditions such as arthritis are involved. The shoulder is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body and the rotator...
Athletes and recreational sports enthusiasts turn to sports medicine to prevent and recover from injuries, boost performance, and maintain peak shape. Whatever your age, sport, and activity level, sport medicine experts can help you stay on top of your game. Sports medicine specialist Matthew Pifer, MD, can help you achieve...
If you’re dealing with chronic shoulder pain, it’s wise to know when shoulder replacement is a good option. Total shoulder replacement, also called total shoulder arthroplasty, is a highly successful procedure that reduces pain and restores function and mobility. Visiting a specialist is the first step to getting relief from...
Injury can sideline professional and recreational athletes alike. Sitting out of your chosen sport for the weeks or months necessary to heal can mean missing out on an entire season. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy offers an alternative to extended recovery and surgery. This orthobiologic treatment is safe, effective, and can...
Shoulder surgery is sometimes necessary to repair the shoulder joint. Arthroscopy is a less invasive approach used to diagnose and treat a wide range of shoulder problems. It’s performed as an outpatient procedure and patients return home the same day. Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Matthew Pifer specializes in shoulder and...
Stem cell therapy is one of the most significant breakthroughs in modern medicine. This treatment uses your body’s own healing capacity to speed recovery through cell regeneration. An improvement in pain and a shorter recovery time from surgery are some of the benefits of stem cell therapy. Knee, shoulder, and...
Musculoskeletal pain of any kind makes you feel older than you are, restricts your mobility, and lessens your quality of life if it becomes chronic. Do You have shoulder pain? You're probably wondering exactly what's causing it. Is it arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, or something else? There’s quite a...
The knee is the largest joint in the body. Without your knees, you wouldn’t be able to stand. Your knees bear your weight and throughout your life take the brunt of the wear and tear compared to other joints in the body. It’s no surprise that knee pain is very...
A rotator cuff tear causes significant shoulder pain. Arthroscopic surgery to repair the tear is an outpatient procedure but requires lengthy recovery time. The goal of rotator cuff repair surgery is to reattach the torn tendon to the bone securely. The ability to return to an active lifestyle is one...
Surgery isn’t the only option for chronic pain in the neck, shoulder, knees, and other joints. A special treatment called stem cell therapy has the potential to decrease pain, heal joints, and help you avoid surgery. Orthopedic shoulder and sports medicine surgeon Matthew Pifer, MD offers innovative regenerative medicine treatments...
More than 54 million adults in the United States are living with arthritis, and even more, are struggling to recover from an orthopedic injury. Regardless of the cause, musculoskeletal pain can have a major impact on your daily life. From morning stiffness to joint swelling, orthopedic problems can make everyday...
Returning to unrestricted activity following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery is a complex decision made between patients and surgeons. Orthopedic surgeons take many factors into account before considering it safe for patients to return to sports. Understanding what you're up against can help optimize the outcome. ACL injuries and sports...
Physical rehabilitation, steroid injections, and other non-surgical treatments can do wonders to ease shoulder pain and improve shoulder function. Despite this, surgery is sometimes necessary to repair shoulder damage and restore function. Delaying shoulder surgery when you need it can make treatment more difficult down the line. Your orthopedic provider...
Telemedicine offers a unique approach to extend services to patients with orthopedic needs. Patients can access care from orthopedic specialists using computers, phones, and mobile devices. Your provider can monitor your health and provide the same level of care as in-office consultations from the comfort of your home or office....
Your shoulder is a complex group of joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons that work together so you can lift, reach, carry, push, and pull. When you’ve tried nonsurgical treatments for shoulder pain without success, the idea of moving your shoulder without pain can seem out of reach. Ongoing shoulder problems...